How I Started Playing Animal Crossing

Friday, July 31, 2020

Started playing Animal Crossing (Switch ver) on 27 May 2020.
(was suppose to receive I think first week of May but due to CB period, the shipment got delayed)

How I started it?
(Haha I know nobody care)

I played the phone ver but was not very interested in the first place but then I try to play again and it actually kinda addictive.
At some point, I'm kinda interested how the AC in switch ver look like.
So I went Youtube and watch anything related to that.

Kinda amazed people are so creative in AC.

After thinking about I think maybe a month or less, I decided to buy the game HAHAHA!
(Be'cos it was kinda expensive due to CB period)
And it's kinda changed my I guess....

"Orientation" HAHAHA!

Okay it's kinda ugly

HAHAHA! Look so scary!

Yes I'm addicted.

Okay, I seldom wake up early on Sunday. Normally I wake up around 2.00pm or 3.00pm plus.
But after playing AC, I woke up at around 9.00am or 10.00am so I can buy Turnip from Daisy Mae as she only appear on Sunday, 5.00am to 12.00pm. HAHAHAHA! Like seriously omggg.

isn't she cute?!

I played every single day the day I received the game til now I'm still playing.
(except for one day and that was the day I was under QO and did swab test. I didn't have the mood to play. Don't worry, everything is good.)

The game is kinda similar to Harvest Moon, Doraemon Story of Season or My Time at Portia etc.
It's my types of games so I kinda enjoy it.

I managed to get 5 star on  08 July 2020 without having any time travel. Yes 1 month and 11 days. HAHAHA!  (people will be like cheyy only 1 month)

That period I actually got a new job and it was so stress that almost cry everyday but thankfully AC helped me.

Kinda motivate me during my work.
Was thinking it's alright once you get home you can play AC that kind of feeling. 
Be'cos when you get home, your mind will be like "oh it AC time!".

I took alot of screenshot like more than 6,000 photos and video. Almost everyday will ss certain stuff. HAHAHA!

Now the game is getting more and more fun as there is new update during July and August.
Wooo Firework on everyday Sunday! Can't wait for this Sunday!!! (Actually can time travel but I will not do that)

Oh! You can visit my island in your dream. Hahaha!

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